Sunday 1 June 2014

Meet Kuratas, the million dollar robot which weighs four tons, shoots when you smile and is controlled by iPhone :
  • Kuratas can be controlled by motion sensor technology in the one-man cockpit or through any phone with a 3G connection .
  • As well as auto targeting your enemy it is easy for those looking for sweet vengeance - the robot's heavy artillery fires 6,000 bullet per minute when the pilot smiles .
A Japanese electronics company has unveiled a 13ft super-robot which can be controlled by an iPhone.But be careful with the jokes if you are on the phone to the pilot as the robot, made by Suidobashi Heavy Industry in Tokyo, brings a whole new meaning to ‘trigger-happy’.'Kuratas' is fitted with a futuristic weapons system, including a gatling gun capable of shooting 6,000 BB bullets a minute,which fires when the pilot smiles.

  •  Kuratas, made by Suidobashi Heavy Industry, can be controlled either through the one-man cockpit or from the outside using any smartphone connected to the 3G network.
  • The robot, which is set will go on sale for £900,000, has around 30 hydraulic joints which the pilot moves using motion control.
As it is made to order the style conscious buyer will not have to worry about sticking to the grey exterior - it comes in 16 colours, including black and pink, and for an extra £60 they will sort you out with a cup holder.
Simple touch: All you need to remote control the robot is a 3G connection and works particularly well with iPhone's touchscreen .
You can also use the MasterSlave control system where you move a tiny version of the Kuratas - with an iPhone strapped to its back - to get the life-sized one to follow your bidding.

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