Sunday 1 June 2014


R25 Humanoid Scheduled for a Kickstarter Campaign; will Teach Computer Science and much more!

10B. DSC_31331

The Robokind R25 humanoid is a revolutionary tool designed for several uses, including teaching computer science and for use in programs for autistic children. If you are benefactor who supports your local school systems and wish to make a gift to an educational factility at year’s end, this is a momentous opportunity! The R25 is scheduled to be available on Kickstarter starting Wednesday Oct 16, and it comes with course curriculum. One of its personalities linked to a curriculum includes about 50 interactive “vignettes” or modes for interacting with students. Pricing has been reduced to an affordable $2,700 for the robot itself. Courses that the robot can teach will run between $1,500 to $2,500. The Robokind team is developing a Kickstarter film to facilitate the product launch, so check it out Wednesday!

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